QP Flyers
High-Quality Da’wah Flyers Spread the message of Islam with beautifully designed Da’wah flyers that captivate and inspire. Perfect for individuals, organisations, Da'wah stalls etc.Currently there are 4 titles. - The Qur'an -...
Islam in China
Prior to 500 CE and hence before the establishment of Islam, Arab seafarers had established trading relations with the "Middle Kingdom" (China). Arab ships bravely set off from Basra, the tip of the Arabian Gulf and also from the town of Qays (...
The Qur'an Project 2013 Promo Video
The Qur’an Project has just launched its 2013 promotional video in light of the “Less Hating More Educating” campaign. It Is aimed at raising awareness about the project by discussing past, current and future campai...
Why are Christians donating towards The Qur'an Project?
Over the last 48 hours, the Qur’an Project has received an increasing number of donations and messages of support from Christians. The Qur'an Project team was rather perplexed as to why this started h...
Atheists are Polytheists!
An atheist is said to be someone who denies the existence of the Creator. This is a good definition, provided that we mean by it that the creator whose existence they deny is the only God of religion, the one true Creator. Otherwise, atheists do beli...
Contribution of early Muslims to the field of astronomy
Out of numerous contributions by Early Muslim scholars to the field of astronomy, the following can be listed:Early Muslims precisely defined astronomy as a definite field of scientific research; translated available information and critically review...
Contributions of early muslims to the field of earth sciences
Despite the magnificent contributions of Early Muslims to the field of Earth Sciences, it has been wrongly assumed that the birth of such sciences did actually take place in 1830 A.C. by the publication of Charles Lyell’s book “Essentials of Geol...
Lessons From History
The substance of this book is based on the ideas published by Dr. Israr Ahmad in 1993 in the columns of the Urdu daily Nawa-e-Waqt of Lahore. The series of write-ups continued for a few months and were widely read with interest. The entire material, ...
It is mentioned in Zend Avesta Farvardin Yasht chapter 28 verse 129 (Sacred Books of the East, volume 23, Zend Avesta Part II pg. 220):"Whose name will be the Victorious, Soeshyant and whose name will be Astvat-eret...
Dear Christian's Please Ask Yourself ?
"Say: O People of the Scripture! Come to an agreement between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall ascribe no partner unto Him, and that none of us shall take others for Lords besides Allah. And if they turn away, then ...
Setting the Record Straight: The Miracle of Islamic Science
Dr. Maurice Bucaille is an eminent French surgeon, scientist, scholar and author of "THE BIBLE, THE QUR'AN AND SCIENCE" which contains the result of his research into the Judeo-Christian Revelation and the Qur'an. It is a unique contribution in the f...