The Qur'an Project Olympic campaign is officially launched.
The USB's are distributed in key Olympic sites across London including the at the main Olympic ground in Stratford and other key locations including Hyde Park.
The Qur'an Project and many external volunteers took advantage of the fact that millions of people visited London for the Olympic games. For two weeks during the Olympics The Qur'an Project USB medals were given out to anybody who was interested in Islam.
The reception has been fantastic Masha-Allah with people from all backgrounds requesting a USB.
The USB's are distributed in key Olympic sites across London including the at the main Olympic ground in Stratford and other key locations including Hyde Park.
The Qur'an Project and many external volunteers took advantage of the fact that millions of people visited London for the Olympic games. For two weeks during the Olympics The Qur'an Project USB medals were given out to anybody who was interested in Islam.
The reception has been fantastic Masha-Allah with people from all backgrounds requesting a USB.