We found 9 items for you!
The Qur'an Project's flagship publication. An easy to understand English translation of the Qur'an accompanied with Surah (chapter) Introductions and Appendices.
The book revolves around key principles that the Hamil al-Qur'an (Bearer of the Qur'an) should understand. These Hadith serve to illustrate the importance of learning and implementing the guidance of the Qur'an.
In this publication from the Qur'an Project, some of the most significant scientific truths foretold in the Qur'an are analysed.
This book highlights the spiritual dimensions of the Salah and is an excellent aid in helping those who want to increase the quality of their prayer and closeness to Allah Almighty.
The book is based on Qur'an Wiki, which started as an online project with the aim of consolidating the best available data relating to every Surah and Ayat of the Qur'an.
Părțile introductive, precum și capitolele finale au fost traduse din a 8-a ediție a cărții în limba engleză, iar traducerea Coranului, din limba arabă.
A short guide on how best to plan your Ramadhan. It includes a daily checklist, recommendations, ways of gaining the love of Allah Almighty, duas from the Qur'an and more.
Muslim Prayer App is designed for new Muslims to be able to pray. Easy to use and very simple to follow. Available online at www.muslimprayerapp.com, on Android and iOS devices.
Information on the various Qur'an Project products and campaigns.